Type 9 – The Peacemaker – Death – Dimensional Tarot – Enneagram and Tarot

February 2, 2025

Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker

Core Traits: Type 9s are easygoing, accepting, and supportive individuals who seek harmony in their lives and relationships. They are often calm, patient, and enjoy creating peaceful environments. Nines tend to avoid conflict, preferring to maintain peace and avoid tension at all costs. This desire for peace extends not only to their relationships but to their internal world as well. They can be adaptable and easy to get along with, often going along with the flow of situations rather than asserting their own desires.

Desires: The core desire of Type 9s is inner and outer peace. They long for a harmonious life where things are calm and stable. They seek acceptance, comfort, and balance in their relationships and environments, often retreating from anything that may cause disruption or conflict.

Fears: Type 9s fear conflict, disconnection, and being overlooked. Their avoidance of conflict often stems from a fear of disconnection or being rejected by others. They may also fear being unable to assert themselves or being drawn into tensions that disturb their sense of peace.

Interactions in the World: In the world, Type 9s tend to be mediators and peacemakers. They often strive to maintain a sense of calm in their relationships and environments, working to smooth over tensions and create a space for others to feel accepted. They can be passive in their interactions, sometimes withdrawing when faced with conflict or stress. Nines can struggle with asserting their own needs, often prioritizing the needs of others over their own in an effort to keep the peace.

The Death Tarot Card

Key Themes and Meaning: The Death card represents endings, transformations, and new beginnings. It is one of the most profound cards in the Tarot, symbolizing a necessary and sometimes painful transition in order to clear away what no longer serves. The Death card does not represent physical death but the death of old habits, relationships, or situations that have outlived their usefulness. It calls for a letting go and surrendering to the natural process of change, where after endings come new opportunities for growth and renewal. The Death card is about embracing change, moving beyond what’s familiar, and stepping into the unknown in order to evolve into a more authentic version of oneself.

Analysis of Death and the Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker

  1. Confronting Avoidance of Change: For Type 9s, the Death card challenges their natural tendency to avoid conflict and change. Nines may be prone to avoiding disruption, which often means resisting the idea of transformation or confronting the need for change. The Death card asks them to face change head-on, even if it disrupts their sense of peace. It encourages them to realize that change is not inherently negative and that it can lead to growth and improvement.
  2. Letting Go of Comfort Zones: Type 9s often seek comfort and stability, which can result in staying in familiar, but stagnant, situations. The Death card urges them to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the idea that sometimes it’s necessary to leave behind what feels secure in order to move forward. This may involve letting go of old patterns, relationships, or habits that no longer support their growth. While uncomfortable, this process can ultimately lead to a more authentic and fulfilling existence.
  3. Facing Fear of Disconnection: Nines may fear disconnection or being abandoned, and the Death card highlights that the fear of letting go of relationships or situations can prevent them from evolving. While it may be difficult for Nines to face the idea of separation, the Death card teaches that sometimes letting go of these attachments is necessary to move toward a greater sense of self and deeper connections with others. The card encourages them to trust that transformation can lead to healthier, more meaningful relationships.
  4. Embracing New Beginnings: The Death card is not only about endings but also about new beginnings. For Type 9s, it serves as a reminder that letting go of the old creates space for new opportunities and experiences. While the idea of change may initially seem overwhelming, the card encourages them to see it as an opening for growth and a new sense of peace—one that is grounded in authenticity rather than avoidance. By accepting the natural cycles of life, they can step into a more vibrant, active role in their own journey.


The Death card calls on Type 9s to confront their avoidance of change and challenge their tendency to stay in comfortable, stagnant situations. It encourages them to let go of old patterns or attachments that no longer serve them, even if doing so disrupts their sense of peace. By facing their fear of disconnection and embracing the transformative energy of the Death card, Nines can open themselves up to new beginnings and deeper, more authentic connections. In doing so, they can experience a more vibrant, fulfilling life where they actively engage with change rather than resisting it.

The Death Tarot Card

Key Themes and Meaning: The Death card in Tarot represents transformation, endings, and new beginnings. It signifies the end of a cycle, whether that’s a relationship, a career, or a phase of life, and encourages the individual to embrace change and release what no longer serves them. This card is not about physical death but the symbolic death of old ways, beliefs, and attachments, making way for personal evolution and growth. The Death card challenges the individual to let go of the past to make space for a new chapter.

When reversed, the Death card can indicate resistance to change, an unwillingness to let go, or a fear of transformation. It suggests that the individual is clinging to the past, stuck in outdated patterns, or unable to embrace the necessary changes in their life. Reversed, the Death card can signal stagnation, a refusal to face reality, or the fear of stepping into the unknown.

Analysis of Death Reversed and the Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker

  1. Fear of Conflict and Change: Nines fear conflict and disruption, and the Death reversed card highlights this fear of change. Nines may resist necessary transformations, whether in their personal lives or in their environments, as they dread the potential upheaval that could come with those changes. Their desire for stability and peace may make them cling to the status quo, even if it’s not serving their growth or well-being.
  2. Avoidance of Difficult Transitions: The Death reversed suggests that the Peacemaker may avoid acknowledging endings or transitions that are crucial for their personal evolution. Nines might have difficulty confronting situations where they must let go of old habits, relationships, or attachments, fearing that doing so would create conflict or instability in their lives. This avoidance can keep them stuck in unfulfilling situations or prevent them from stepping into a new phase of life.
  3. Clinging to Comfort: Nines, who are naturally inclined to seek comfort and avoid discomfort, may resist the transformative energy of the Death card. They might cling to their familiar surroundings or ways of doing things, even if they no longer provide growth or fulfillment. The Death reversed card reflects this reluctance to change and the tendency to avoid confronting difficult truths in favor of maintaining the peace.
  4. Resistance to Personal Growth: The Death reversed card often signifies stagnation, and for Nines, this can manifest as a fear of personal growth. They may resist letting go of old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve them because of a deep-seated fear of losing their sense of peace or security. This resistance can prevent Nines from fully evolving and embracing the opportunities for growth that change offers.


The Death reversed card highlights the Peacemaker’s resistance to change and transformation. Nines, driven by a desire for peace and avoidance of conflict, may resist necessary endings or transitions in their lives, clinging to outdated patterns or relationships for comfort. This avoidance of change can keep them stuck in unfulfilling situations and hinder their personal growth. The Death reversed challenges Nines to confront their fears and embrace the transformative power of letting go, encouraging them to step into new phases of life that ultimately lead to deeper fulfillment and personal evolution. Through this process of surrender, Nines can unlock new opportunities for growth and a more meaningful sense of peace.

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